I have always loved my birthday!
It's just far enough away from Christmas to feel special. I'm close to my dad and we celebrated in January. My brother & sister's birthdays are snuggled up against 4th of July, so the year was divided in half in the nicest way.
It's just far enough away from Christmas to feel special. I'm close to my dad and we celebrated in January. My brother & sister's birthdays are snuggled up against 4th of July, so the year was divided in half in the nicest way.
I grew up in Southern California so it was never a particularly cold day. It snowed on my 11th birthday! Not much, 1/2 an inch of so . . . I was in awe that this amazing thing happened on my birthday. It hadn't snowed in LA for 10 years! I planned to wear my party shoes to school and I didn't let a bit of snow dissuade me! I just had to be really careful on the playground not to slip and fall!
And as beautiful as the snow was, I remember being out in the front yard with my dad as he worried about the snow/frost killing the lawn. Like the rest of our neighbors we had dichondra, which is not a grass at all. Very pretty, but oh so delicate. Walking on it while it was frosty was sure to leave a tell-tale footprint. Y'know I still think anything but dichondra isn't really a lawn!
Irresistable pink cake with yellow roses.
Today is Suzanne & Nina's birthday. Suzanne I met the first day of college freshman year. Nina I met when we were in 3rd grade and moved in across the street from each other. I love almost-sharing my birthday with them.
This has been a fun week. I've eaten lunch out every day and not felt guilty. I talked to my mom and liked it! I talked to my best friend Kath -- every time I do it's so clear why we've been friends since high school! I started re-reading Eat, Pray, Love and it's just as good the second time! I discovered an L.L.Bean outlet store and bought a men's field coat and called my mom again to tell her about the gift she bought me!

Freshman year in college a dozen yellow roses were delivered to my dorm room. I may have been a hippie at a hippie college, but I was thrilled at this gift from my Nana. When Nana found out they were sent early she must have given them what-for cuz on the day of my birthday another dozen yellow roses were delivered to my dorm room! I wandered around handing out yellow roses all day!

Next week I may have to get serious. But this week was all about celebrating!